Bulletin Johannique 103/2 (2015)

par Michèle MORGEN

Avril-juin 2015 - tome 103/2

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I. Quatrième évangile (1-26)
II. Épîtres (27-28)
III. Commentaires : quatrième évangile et épîtres de Jean (29-32)
IV. Apocalypse (33-38)

I. Quatrième évangile

1. Anderson Paul N., The Christology of the Fourth Gospel. Its Unity and Disunity in the Light of John 6 (With a New Introduction, Outlines and Epilogue). Third printing. Cascade Books, Eugene, 2010, lxxxx-358 p.
2. Anderson Paul N., The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel. An Introduction to John, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2011, xii-296 p.
3. Anderson Paul N., Just Felix and Thatcher Tom (Éds.), John, Jesus, and History. Vol. 2. Aspects of Historicity in the Fourth Gospel, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2009, xii-456 p.
4. Aus Robert David, Feeding the Five Thousand : Studies in the Judaic Background of Mark 6:30-44 par. and John 6:1-15, UPA, Lanham, 2010, xvii + 187 p.
5. Back Frances, Gott als Vater der Jünger im Johannesevangelium, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2012, x-254 p.
6. Beutler Johannes, Do not be afraid. The Farewell Discourse in John’s Gospel (Jn 14), Peter Lang, Frankfort, 2011,146 p.
7. Beutler Johannes, Neue Studien zu den johanneischen Schriften, University Press, Bonn, 2012, 288 p.
8. Burer Michael H., Divine Sabbath Work, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, 2012, xii-163 p.
9. Bynum Wm. Randolph, The Fourth Gospel and the Scriptures. Illuminating the Form and Meaning of Scriptural Citation in John 19:37, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2012, xii-214 p.
10. Chanikuzhy Jacob, Jesus, the Eschatological Temple. An Exegetical Study of Jn 2,13-22 in the Light of the Pre-70 C.E. Eschatological Temple Hopes and the Synoptic Temple Action, Peeters, Leuven, 2012, 408 p.
11. Ellens J. Harold, The Son of Man in the Gospel of John, Sheffield Phoenix, Sheffield, 2010, xvii-200 p.
12. Estes Douglas, The Questions of Jesus in John : Logic, Rhetoric and Persuasive Discourse, Brill, Leiden, 2013, xvi-215 p.
13. Felsch Dorit, Die Feste im Johannesevangelium. Jüdische Tradition und christologische Deutung, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2011, xiv-355 p.
14. Frey Jörg, Die Herrlichkeit des Gekreuzigten, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2013, x-900 p.
15. Frey Jörg, Poplutz Uta (Éds.), Narrativität und Theologie im Johannesevangelium, Neukirchener Theologie, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2012, viii-260 p.
16. Garský Zbyněk, Das Wirken Jesu in Galiläa bei Johannes. Eine strukturale Analyse der Intertextualität des vierten Evangeliums mit den Synoptikern, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2012, xx-383 p.
17. Hera Marianus Pale, Christology and Discipleship in John 17, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2013, xiii-220 p.
18. Kobel Esther, Dining with John. Communal meals and Identity Formation in the Fourth Gospel and its Historical and Cultural Context, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2011, xviii-370 p.
19. Leung Mavis M., Kingship-Cross Interplay in the Gospel of John. Jesus’Death as Corroboration of His Royal Messiaship – With a Foreword by I. Howard Marshall, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, 2011, 225 p.
20. Martin Michael W., Judas and the Rhetoric of Comparison in the Fourth Gospel, Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield, 2010, xi-173 p.
21. Mihalios Stefanos, The Danielic Eschatological Hour in the Johannine Literature, T&T Clark, Londres, 2011, xiii-209 p.
22. Morgan-Wynne John, The Cross in the Johannine Writings, Picwick Publications, Eugene, xiii-304 p.
23. Schultheiss Tanja, Das Petrusbild im Johannesevangelium, Mohr Siebeck,Tübingen, 2012, xii-394 p.
24. Stovell Beth M ., Mapping Metaphorical Discourse in the Fourth Gospel. John’s Eternal King, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2012, xiii-382 p.
25. Van der Watt Jan G., Zimmermann Ruben (Éds.), Rethinking the Ethics of John. “Implicit Ethics” in the Johannine Writings. Kontexte und Normen neutestamentlicher Ethik / Contexts and Norms of New Testament Ethics, Vol. III, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2012, xii-395 p.
26. Zeilinger F., Die sieben Zeichenhandlungen Jesu im Johannesevangelium, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2011, 200 p.

II. Épîtres de Jean

27. Jensen Matthew D., Affirming the Resurrection of the Incarnate Christ. A Reading of 1 John, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012, viii-228 p.
28. Streett David R., The went out from us. The Identity of the Opponents in First John, Walter de Gruyter, Göttingen, 2010, xviii-462 p.

III. Commentaires : quatrième évangile et épîtres de Jean

29. Zumstein Jean, L’évangile selon saint Jean (1–12), Labor et Fides, Genève, 2014, 424 p.
30. Siegert Folker, Das Evangelium des Johannes in seiner ursprünglicher Gestalt. Wiederherstellung und Kommentar, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2008, 856 p.
31. Von Wahlde Urban C., The Gospel and Letters of John, vol. 1 : Introduction, Analysis, and Reference, lii + 705 p. ; vol. 2 : Commentary on the Gospel of John, 936 p. ; vol. 3 : Commentary on the Three Johannine Letters, Eerdmanns, Cambridge, 2010, 442 p.
32. Brandt Jo-Ann A., John, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2011, xxii-330.

IV. Apocalypse

33. Cazeaux Jacques, Les silences de l’Apocalypse, Le Cerf, Paris, 2014, 252 p.
34. Descreux Jacques, L’ivresse des nations. Les figures du mal dans l’Apocalypse de Jean, Peeters, Leuven, 2013, xvi-704 p.
35. Frey Jörg, Kelhoffer James A., Tóth F., Die Johannesapokalypse, Kontexte – Konzepte – Rezeption, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2012, xi-867 p.
36. Fuller Dow Lois Katharine, Images of Zion : Biblical Antecedents for the New Jerusalem. Biblical Antecedents for the New Jerusalem, Sheffield Phoenix, 2010, x-286 p.
37. Labahn Michael, Karrer Martin (Hrsg.), Die Johannesoffenbarung. Ihr Text und ihre Auslegung, Evangelische Verlanganstalt, Leipzig, 2012, 496 p.
38. Stephens Mark B., Annihilation or Renewal ? The Meaning and Function of New Creation in the Book of Revelation, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, v-343 p.

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